Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy got severely injured during the Memantha Siddham Bus Yatra in Vijayawada. The YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) chief got an injury on his left eyebrow when he was hit by a stone. Doctors has provided first aid to him on the bus as soon as possible, after that the Chief Minister still continued his bus yatra. As part of ‘Memantha Siddham Yatra’, the Chief Minister was standing on a special campaign bus to greet people, that moment this incident took place.
“The stone struck the CM while he was acknowledging the crowds as part of his bus tour at Vivekananda School Centre in Singh Nagar, Vijayawada,” said a statement from the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO). The stone hit Andhra Pradesh CM Reddy at a very high velocity . The officials are now suspecting that it could have been thrown by a catapult, who was prompting the people standing around him on the top of the bus to wipe his forehead with a handkerchief initially.
Although The injury isn’t too deep, the chief minister had suffered just a small cut on the left side of his forehead above the eye. Although, after getting hurt by the stone pelting, the CM of Andhra Pradesh resumed his tour in the city, he has been campaigning for lok sabha election 2024 for nearly four hours. Nowl, YSRCP leaders alleging that the TDP was behind this “attack”. “The stone struck the CM while he was acknowledging the crowds as part of his bus tour at Vivekananda School Centre in Singh Nagar, Vijayawada,” said a statement from the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).
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