Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone both are very celebrated and loved actors in Bollywood. Both are very strong actors who have given their best in every role they play. But unfortunately, Deepika and Hrithik haven’t done a film together till now. But in Hrithik’s upcoming movie Fighter, Deepika Padukone will be seen acting with him. Fans are eagerly waiting for the duo to come together on the silver screen. So, since it was announced, Siddharth Anand’s Fighter has been the talk of the town. The teaser of this film had made the audience more excited and now the trailer has been released. So how is the trailer? How are the viewers reacting to it? We will talk about all of these today.
The movie continues with many IAF aviators, who come together and form Air Dragons. The main focus of air dragons was to fight the enemies. The movie stars Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles. Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi are also in this film, in supporting roles.
Notably, this film is based on the Pulwama terror attack of 2019. In this Pulwama terror attack, 40 innocent Indian Army personnel lost their lives. The trailer shows the Indian Air Force’s action against Pakistan following this inhuman terror attack of Pakistan and the counter-action by the Air Force.
The trailer is full of dialogue that will give goosebumps to everyone. like, “POK stands for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. You have occupied it. But we are the actual owners!” We can tell you another goosebump-giving dialogue. It says “If terrorists like you push us beyond our limits of tolerance, then, every single inch will turn into IOP. India Occupied Pakistan. Jai Hind!”. fans are eagerly waiting for this movie to be released.
A user wrote on X “The Fighter trailer is amazing! Hrithik Roshan always manages to impress us with his incredible talent and charm. He truly is the undisputed Greek God of Bollywood!”
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