Whenever Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor is spotted, a different glow is seen on her face. The actress wins people’s hearts with her easy style. Be it an event or a family gathering or a party with friends, Kareena Kapoor dominates every occasion. Kareena Kapoor remains in the news for her cheerful and outspoken style. Recently the actress was spotted at an event. She looked very beautiful in this event. Not only the paparazzi noticed the beauty of the actress, but also the people standing nearby kept noticing it.
Actually, in the video that has surfaced, Kareena Kapoor is seen in an all black outfit. She paired a black satin bodycon dress with black stockings. To complete this outfit, the actress also paired black stilettos, but after some time she apparently got upset with them and took them off. In this video you can see that the actress is sitting on a golf cart, but she does not have shoes on her feet, her high heels are seen kept next to her. The actress is flaunting without footwear, after seeing which people say that Kareena Kapoor’s confidence is always high, whether she is wearing high heels or not. Well, Kareena Kapoor’s beauty and looks are being praised a lot and this video is going viral.
Let us tell you, this year has been very wonderful for Kareena Kapoor. The actress was recently seen in ‘The Singham Again’. This film is still being seen in theatres. In this film, Kareena played the role of Singham i.e. Ajay Devgan’s wife, who was compared to Mother Sita. People liked the work of the actress a lot. Earlier, Kareena Kapoor was seen in ‘The Buckingham Murders’. Kareena was the lead in this suspense-filled film and the story seemed to revolve around her. People liked this film a lot and Kareena’s acting was also highly praised. Just a few months before this, the women-centric film ‘Crew’ was released in March. Along with Kareena Kapoor, Tabu and Kriti Sanon were also lead actresses in this film. Overall, this year was a great year for Kareena Kapoor. Now Kareena is busy preparing for many more projects.
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