On Saturday, some miscreants misbehaved with a famous South actress, named Poonja in the Chikkamagaluru district of Karnataka. It is alleged that, during the shooting of a film, some miscreants entered the set and started misbehaving with the actress. The shooting was stopped then and there after this incident took place.
when a song was being picturized for the Kannada movie ‘Koragajja’, that is starring famous actress Shubha Poonja, the miscreant who rode a bike with sharp-edged weapons barged into the shooting area. They allegedly misbehaved with the actress Poonja, held her hand, and even tried to drag her too. The shooting was stopped immediately following the incident. Sudheer Attavara, The film’s director, has told the media that they took necessary permission from the concerned authorities before building the set spending lakhs of rupees. The team had also hired famous choreographer Ganesh Acharya from Bollywood. Director Sudhir Attavar also said that the way the youths behaved was painful and reprehensible. Their rude behavior led to a situation where the filming had to be stopped.
Though the incident took place within the limits of the Kuduremukha police station, the film crew didn’t lodge a formal complaint on this count. The police said they would take action if a complaint were lodged regarding the incident.
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