Vikas Mahante who looks like our Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s twin, has opened up about a shocking news. He has a steel packaging business in Malad. That man suddenly found his fortunes turning with Narendra Modi’s rise in public life. The video misidentified the man as PM Modi– in reality, the video shows the PM’s lookalike Vikas Mahante.
A video of a man doing Garba has gone viral online with the false claim that it shows Prime Minister Narendra Modi dancing. Garba is a traditional Gujarati folk dance performed mainly during the festival of Navratri.
The 30-second clip purportedly shows PM Modi doing Garba and is being shared on X with the caption, “Is that PM Modi Dancing Garbha ? Or is it his LOOK ALIKE or DEEP FAKE ? Nice Moves, Mr. 2024″. In the viral video, a man resembling the PM can be seen dancing with some women. However Calling the video “very real”, The PM added that he has not “played Garba” since he was young.
But later it was found that the video shows PM Modi’s lookalike Vikas Mahante at a Diwali event at Harrow Leisure Centre, UK. Mr. Mahante bears an uncanny resemblance to the Prime Minister and these days finds himself in increasing demand from Modi’s legion of admirers across the world to make an appearance at their functions.
On Monday, Mahante who is a good 10 years younger than the prime minister, issued a video statement clarifying the mistake. “I am often invited to functions in India and abroad where I try and convey Modiji’s thoughts and ideas. I wanted to clarify that the video is not deep fake but that it’s me, Vikas Mahante in that video. I am a businessman and an artiste.”
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