There came a moment in ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’ which created a lot of stir on social media. A video of actor Ranveer Shorey went viral, in which he was seen kissing Krutika Malik. This video created a lot of discussion among fans and viewers, and various reactions were seen on social media regarding it. At the same time, now Ranveer Shorey has reacted on this entire matter.
Ranveer Shorey had made his place in the top 3 of ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’. At the same time, Kritika had already become homeless. When Kritika was eliminated from the show, Ranveer hugged and kissed her. Ranveer was trolled a lot regarding this video.
Ranveer Shorey recently talked about the viral kiss video in a conversation with Siddharth Kanan. When asked about kissing Kritika Malik after her eviction in the finale of Bigg Boss OTT 3, Ranveer Shorey initially refused to say anything on the video. However, later, when he was informed about Armaan’s reaction, he supported it. Regarding Armaan’s statement, Ranveer Shorey said, “Yes, it is true! Both of them are much younger than me.”
Armaan Malik had talked about the kissing video of Kritika and Ranveer in one of his vlogs and called it a common thing. The YouTuber said, “First of all, both your thinking and eyes are wrong. That person, he is 52 years old, respects me so much. He treated me and Kritika like his own children. When Kritika was leaving home, Then this person came up very quickly and was hugging Kritika. And you must have seen, there are so many big superstars in Bollywood, they hug, do side hugs.”
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