Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen has reacted about her personal life. She has responded to the rumors where there was talk of her affair. For some time, it was said that Sushmita Sen had patched up with her ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl. Both are in a relationship again. Regarding this gossip, Sushmita Sen has clearly said all these things are false. She is single.
Sushmita Sen appeared in Rhea Chakraborty’s podcast ‘Chapter 2’. Where she also answered about her personal life. In this conversation, Rhea asked about dating life. Then she said that she was not in any relationship. She has been single for two years.
Sushmita Sen said on love life, ‘There is no man in my life. I have been single for a long time. About two years have passed. If I tell the correct date, then it is the year 2021. I am not in any relationship. There are wonderful people in my life who are my true friends.’
Rhea Chakraborty also questioned Sushmita Sen about liking anyone. Then she said, ‘No, I am not interested in anyone right now. It is good that I have taken a break. I was in a relationship for 5 years before this. That was a long time.’
It is known that Sushmita Sen’s ex-boyfriend was Rohman Shawl, who was 15 years younger than her. Both of them broke up in the year 2021. Both of them also made an official post on social media regarding the breakup. However, even after the breakup, both of them have been seen together many times.
Read More: Rhea Chakraborty Confirms Relationship with Nikhil Kamath, Spotted Together for the First Time
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