Delhi Records Highest Temperature in 50 Years!

The national capital experienced an unprecedented heatwave, recording its highest temperature in 50 years. The mercury soared to a scorching 52.3 degrees Celsius, surpassing previous records and causing widespread distress among residents.

Delhi touched highest temperature within last 50 years!

Meteorologists attribute this extreme weather to a combination of global climate change and localized atmospheric conditions. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) had issued warnings earlier this week, predicting severe heatwaves across northern India. However, the actual temperature exceeded all forecasts, setting a new benchmark for the city’s weather records.


The intense heat has significantly impacted daily life in Delhi. Streets were noticeably emptier as people sought refuge indoors, and the city’s power grid was strained by the increased demand for air conditioning. Hospitals reported a rise in cases of heat-related illnesses, including dehydration and heatstroke. Authorities have advised residents to stay hydrated, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, and use protective measures like hats and sunscreen when venturing outside. Delhi’s infrastructure also faced challenges. Several roads showed signs of melting asphalt, and water supply systems were under pressure due to increased consumption. The situation has highlighted the urgent need for urban planning to adapt to the realities of climate change.


Environmental experts have emphasized that such extreme temperatures could become more frequent if global warming is not addressed. Dr. Anjali Sharma, a climate scientist, remarked, “This record-breaking heatwave is a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive climate action. Urban areas, particularly in countries like India, are becoming increasingly vulnerable to such extreme weather events.” The Delhi government has announced measures to tackle the immediate crisis, including setting up cooling centers and distributing free water bottles in the most affected areas. Long-term plans are also being discussed to improve the city’s resilience against future heatwaves.