Maharashtra will get its next Chief Minister on December 5. Preparations for the Chief Minister’s swearing-in ceremony are going on at Azad Maidan. Meanwhile, Devendra Fadnavis has been elected leader in the BJP legislature party meeting. After Devendra Fadnavis was elected as the leader of the legislative party, it has been decided that he will be the next leader of Maharashtra. Fadnavis’s name was approved in the core committee meeting. Sudhir Mungantiwar and Chandrakant Patil have been made proposers. Whereas Ashish Shelar and Ravindra Chavan will approve the proposal.
BJP legislature party meeting was held in Maharashtra Assembly on Wednesday. This meeting was presided over by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who came as a central observer, and former Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. From the legislature party meeting, all the BJP MLAs together said that they are all with Devendra Fadnavis.
All the MLAs agreed together in the name of Fadnavis
Newly elected MLA from BJP Praveen Vasantrao Tayde said that we have chosen Devendra Fadnavis for the post of Chief Minister. He is a leader who can bring positive change and betterment in Maharashtra. He takes everyone along. All the MLAs have elected him.
Fadnavis has a unique record
Fadnavis also holds the record of becoming the second youngest Chief Minister of Maharashtra at the age of 44. Devendra Fadnavis became MLA from Nagpur South West in 1999 and 2014. After this the BJP MLAs chose him as their leader. After the creation of Maharashtra in 1960, there were 17 Chief Ministers in the state, but only two of them could complete their tenure. Devendra Fadnavis is also one of them. Before this, only Vasantrao Naik was able to complete his tenure. He was a Congress leader. Fadnavis has also been actively associated with the Sangh.
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