A moving train caught fire in Madhya Pradesh on Sunday evening. After the fire broke out, many passengers jumped off the train to save their lives. At present, there is no information about the loss of life and property in the accident. Rescue work is going on at the spot.
According to the information, train number 09347 Dr. Ambedkar Nagar-Ratlam DEMU train caught fire at around 5:20 pm on Sunday evening. When this train caught fire, it was going from Indore to Ratlam. It is being told that suddenly smoke started coming out of the train between Runija and Naugaon and a fire broke out.
There was a stampede among the passengers
Due to Diwali time, the train was packed with passengers. When people came to know about the fire in the train, there was a stampede among them. Some people jumped off the moving train, they suffered minor injuries. The train driver stopped the train after smoke came out.
Instructions were given to investigate the accident
The nearest station and fire department were informed about this. The fire department personnel reached the spot and controlled the fire. According to railway officials, there has been no loss of life or property in the accident. The reasons for the accident are being investigated.
Farmers helped in extinguishing the fire.
It is being told that after the fire broke out, local farmers tried to extinguish the fire using their motor pumps and pipes. Due to this, the fire did not take a terrible form. According to railway officials, passengers are being safely taken to the station. The situation is completely under control.
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