Tragedy Strikes: Indian Flight to Moscow Crashes in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan

An Indian passenger plane, which was going to Moscow, crashed in Topkhaneh Mountain.  That covers the districts Karan, Manjan, and Zibak. The head of information and culture of the Taliban in Badakhshan has confirmed the incident.

Indian Plane which was Enrouted to Moscow crashed over Afghanistan!

The plane crashed in the Wakhan region of Badakhshan last Saturday. It was confirmed by the Afghanistan media reports. The head of information and culture of the Taliban in Badakhshan has confirmed the incident. They have said that the passenger plane crashed in Topkhaneh Mountain, covering districts Karan, Manjan, and Zibak.

Till now no more information has been reported from the authority. Official sources have not provided any further information about any casualties or the cause of the crash. Though the situation is currently under investigation.

Recently the media has claimed that MoCA officials have said, the plane that crashed was Not Indian registered aircraft, but Russia Russia-registered. The Aeroflot flight of that morning landed safely in Moscow. But is that plane an Indian airline or Russia-registered aircraft, that is yet to be verified.