The country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been threatened with death. This threat was given in a call received on the police control form of the financial capital Mumbai. On one hand, the police registered a case and started investigation, while on the other hand, SPG also came on high alert mode regarding the security of PM Modi in Delhi. However, PTI report states that a woman has been detained in this case, whose mental condition is unstable.
Now the statement of police officers has also come out in this matter. Police said that a woman aged about 34 had called the police control room and threatened to harm and kill PM Modi. Police have detained the woman but her mental condition is said to be bad, due to which there are speculations that the call was fake.
This call threatening to harm or kill PM Modi came to the control room of Mumbai Police on Wednesday, after which the police started investigation and tried to gather information about the woman by checking the location of the call.
Police have said that this call came from Amboli area of Maharashtra. After this the call was tracked and the woman was taken into custody. Police said that at present there is no suspicion of any kind. The investigation of the case is currently going on.
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