An outbreak of influenza is reported in China!!

48 months ago, an influenza-like illness was reported from China’s Wuhan which eventually snowballed into the Covid pandemic months later. Reports that children’s hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning and other cities are ‘overwhelmed with sick children’. Chinese authorities attributed this increase to lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. the arrival of the cold season caused the outbreak. This has made the Chinese hospitals overwhelmed with sick people!!


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Influenza came as Another episode of Covid 19?

China again has been experiencing an increase in cases of influenza-like illnesses. It is being compared with the previous three years when strict measures were in force as part of its zero-COVID strategy. China’s National Health Commission told a press conference earlier this month that there had been an increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases. These are  related to COVID-19. Pathogens such as influenza, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are life risking.


WHO asked China on respiratory illness outbreaks!!


The World Health Organization officially requested that China to provide detailed information. Specially on an increase in respiratory illnesses and reported clusters of pneumonia in children. It is a common bacterial infection which typically affects younger children. It has also asked China for further information about the circulation of known pathogens and the current burden on health care systems. WHO said it is in contact with clinicians and scientists through its existing technical partnerships and networks in China.

Both China and the WHO have faced questions about the transparency of reporting on the earliest Covid-19 cases which emerged in the city of Wuhan in late 2019 and early 2020.Chinese authorities stressed the need for enhanced disease surveillance in healthcare facilities and community settings. They also need to  strengthen the capacity of the health system to manage patients.

The WHO urged people in China to take steps to reduce their risk of contracting a respiratory infection . It includes updating vaccinations, maintaining a distance from other people, wearing masks when necessary and staying at home when sick. Testing was also important, they said.