Earthquake tremors felt in Delhi-NCR to Pakistan!

Earthquake tremors were felt in many parts of North India including Delhi-NCR on Wednesday afternoon. The epicenter of this earthquake is said to be in Pakistan. According to the information, the intensity of the earthquake was measured at 5.8 on the Richter scale.

Earthquake tremors were also felt in Islamabad and Lahore. The earthquake occurred at 12:58 pm. Its center was in Pakistan and its depth was 33 km.

Take these precautions in case of earthquake

If inside a building, lie on the ground and hide under some sturdy furniture.

If you can’t get near furniture, duck into a corner of the building and cover your head and face.

In case of earthquake, avoid standing in front of the door as much as possible

Avoid exterior walls and stairs.

If you are outside, stay away from buildings, trees, street lights and power lines.

If you are in a vehicle, stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible.