Indian Cricket Association’s fast bowler Deepak Chahar had a bad experience with online food delivery company Zomato on Saturday. Chahar wrote about the whole incident on his Instagram handle. Chahar made allegations against Zomato through his handle, “A new fraud has started in India. I asked for food from Zomato, but when I did not get it, I saw that the food was delivered on their app”, he further wrote that, when he reached out to customer care, it was said to him that the food has been delivered and he is making false accusations. Chahar asked if others have ever had to go through this kind of situation, then they should tag Zomato and share their experiences as well.
Expressing concern over the issue, Zomato responded, “Hi Deepak, we are very concerned about your experience and are deeply concerned about the issue. We take such issues seriously and look into the matter immediately.”
Deepak Chahar responded,” just wanted to highlight this as a lot of people face this issue and no proper action is taken giving back the money for the order will not solve the issue. Hunger cannot be compensated with money”
Zomato again apologized, “I understand the seriousness of the situation. We are committed to solving the root problem. Your solution is of utmost importance to us. When you call, we ask our team to communicate with you. Your cooperation is very appreciated.”
Deepak Chahar will play for Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League 2024.
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