Kangana Ranaut, the ‘Queen’ of Bollywood, has opened her mouth about the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Kangana is known for her outspoken behavior and protesting mentality. On its sixth day at the Box Office, Kangana Ranaut’s Tejas continued its flop show and collected just Rs five lakhs. To find peace, the actress visited the Dwarkadhish Temple in Gujarat to seek blessings. According to the latest reports, she has decided that she’ll be going to join BJP.
Kangana Ranaut joining BJP after all her films went flop?
This is not the first time when Kangana Ranaut is speaking about this matter. In the past, Ranaut has hinted at contesting elections in the future, many times. Last year in October 2022, the actor said that she wanted to serve the people of Himachal Pradesh in any possible capacity. She said even if it required her to join politics, she’d do that. during promotions of ‘Thailavii’, she also said that she would love to join politics if her fans so desired.
This time during her Devarshana on the occasion of the release of her movie ‘Tejas’, the actress interacted with the media. kangana Ranaut reacted to the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. She said, that if Lord Krishna is pleased, she will contest the Lok Sabha elections. Kangana reached the Dwarkadhish temple and interacted with the media and this time she gave a clear hint about the Lok Sabha elections.
Are flop films making her think about joining Politics?
Kangana Ranaut also shared her reason for visiting the Dwarkadhish Temple suddenly. She posted on X, “For the past few days, my heart was greatly restless. I felt a strong desire to have the darshan of Lord Dwarkadhish. As I arrived in this divine city of Lord Krishna, Dwarka, merely the sight of its dust made me feel as if all my worries had crumbled and fallen at my feet,”.
Ranaut can pull out complex roles in a convincing manner, as she did in “Gangster” and ‘ Fashion” or “judgemental hai kya”. Kangana can perfectly pull off the character of a depressed woman who longs for attention in real life, but unfortunately, she can’t pull off that in real life. Suddenly, one after another flops are giving her a hard time. There are rumours that, in future people will avoid working with her. Her ungrateful behavior even towards people who gave her a break, will cost her huge. According to the current situation and some rumors, Kangana might join BJP next year.
Watch here:
#WATCH | Dwarka, Gujarat: Actor Kangana Ranaut on offering prayers at Dwarkadhish temple says, "It was incredible. I always say that Dwarka is divine. We should come as much as we can…The place of Lord Krishna is no less a heaven for us," pic.twitter.com/nCRS2bjLuq
— ANI (@ANI) November 2, 2023
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