WhatsApp has launched a new facility for users. Two WhatsApp accounts can be used on the same phone. That is, a user can keep two WhatsApp accounts active on the same phone from two different phone numbers. Almost all smartphones these days have dual SIM facilities. And if you put two SIMs in the phone, then you can open WhatsApp accounts from two different numbers and use them through a single device. In this case, the user only needs to make a switch account.
How to avail this feature
First, open the WhatsApp app on the Android smartphone. Now you will see the three dots in the upper right corner. Clicking on it will open a list of several options. Users will get this switch account option there. If you click there, the user will be transferred to the second number that has a WhatsApp account. Since two different WhatsApp accounts can be used from the same two phone numbers, In that case, the user can use one number for professional work and another for personal work. It is difficult for users to have all the information in a WhatsApp account. So if you can use a WhatsApp account from two different numbers on the same phone, you will get many benefits. Individual chats can be locked through a passcode or Face ID. Once a user locks a chat, it will move to the ‘Locked Chat’ section. All locked chats can be found in this section.
The ‘Chat Lock’ feature is also coming to WhatsApp Web
The Locked Chat feature of WhatsApp has already been launched in the mobile version. This locked chat feature of WhatsApp is coming to the web version as well. This information was revealed by the WhatsApp tracker WABetaInfo.It has already been heard that WhatsApp is working on a new feature. It was also heard that this feature will be launched mainly for WhatsApp Web users. Work is currently underway. Then there will be the examination. So the locked chat feature will be launched in the next few weeks in the web version of WhatsApp, if not very soon. As a result, you can lock a specific chat password through the web as well as mobile.
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