Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that the Karnataka government will withdraw the ban on hijab. The CM has announced that on Friday at an event. The Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that he has “told officials to take back the order” on the hijab ban at educational institutions in the state.
In a post on X, Siddaramaiah announced by posting about a direction that has been given to the officials regarding hijab. He has tweeted in the Kannada language, “I have told (officials) to withdraw the hijab ban.”
At an event recently, Siddaramaiah said, “We will take back that decision, there is no hijab ban now. Women can go out wearing hijab. I have told the officials to take back the order (previous govt order).” They have accused the BJP, Bhartiya Janata Party, of “dividing people and dividing society based on clothes, dress, caste”.
Controversies over hijab broke out in early 2022. It started when some Muslim girls were being stopped from attending their classes just because their hijab was not in the prescribed uniform. Then the BJP government announced their rule of sticking to the uniform, on February 5, 2022.
“Dress, eating habits, they’re your choice. Why should I come in the way? Wear whatever dress you want. Eat what you want. What’s that to me? I’ll eat my food. You eat yours. You have your right and I have mine. It’s that simple,” Siddaramaiah, the present CM has said.l that now.
“We (Congress) don’t discriminate based on caste or faith. BJP says ‘Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas’. Where are they practicing this? Those sporting a beard, skull cap, and wearing a burqa are asked not to come in (sic). They keep lying. We’re not like that,” the CM also said at that event.
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