The name of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra has been revealed and BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis will be the next CM of Maharashtra. Devendra Fadnavis will take oath as the next Chief Minister of Maharashtra on December 5. Devendra Fadnavis will take oath as CM for the third time. Not only becoming a leader, Devendra Fadnavis’s love story has also been in the news. Meanwhile, today we are going to tell you about his and Amrita’s love story, which is no less than a film story.
This is how the two met for the first time.
Let us tell you that Devendra Fadnavis met Amruta Fadnavis at the home of a common friend. Devendra fell in love with Amruta at first sight. When Devendra Fadnavis met Amruta Fadnavis for the first time, he had already become an MLA twice. Devendra Fadnavis had said to Amruta in his first meeting that she laughs just like Kajol. Amruta is very beautiful to look at, even today Bollywood actresses pale in comparison to her beauty.
Who is Amruta Fadnavis?
Let us tell you that Amruta Fadnavis has been a banker by profession. She started her banking career in the year 2003 as a cashier with Axis Bank. Devendra Fadnavis’s wife Amruta Fadnavis is also very fond of singing. Many of her songs are still a hit on YouTube. Apart from being a good singer, she is also a good dancer. Amruta Fadnavis also does social work.
Both got married in 2005
In an interview, Amruta said that before meeting Devendra, she was under a lot of tension and pressure. She was thinking about what kind of a person he would be because she had a negative image of politicians in her mind. However, when she met Devendra, her fear ended. She called Devendra a very honest and down-to-earth person. After this, both of them got married in the year 2005, in which a crowd of thousands of people gathered. This couple has a daughter, whose name is Divija Fadnavis.
Amruta had described Devendra as ‘un-romantic’
However, if Amruta is to be believed, Devendra is not that ‘romantic’. Once in an interview given to Sonali Bendre in Marathi, Amruta had revealed that ‘Devendra is not romantic at all.’ Amruta had said ‘Neither was he romantic before marriage nor after. He only knows politics. He does not like or understand romance that much. It is difficult to have fun with him because he is very practical and is always busy with his work. Let us tell you that while Devendra Fadnavis is busy with his politics, his wife remains in the headlines for her songs, acting, and different assignments.
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