West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee became a victim of an accident while returning from Burdwan. His head is injured. After returning from Burdwan, Mamata Banerjee went to Raj Bhavan on Wednesday evening and met the Governor. From there he told how the accident happened and it could have cost him his life. A car entered his convoy at a speed of 200 km per hour, due to which his driver was forced to apply brakes. Mamta Banerjee said that her head was still spinning. It’s paining. He is feeling like he has a fever.
After leaving Raj Bhavan, Mamata Banerjee said that her meeting with the Governor was meaningful. In response to questions from reporters, he said that he had discussed the Supreme Court’s decision with the Governor. She will come to Raj Bhavan again on 26 January.
A small bandage was tied on Mamata Banerjee’s head. He said, “A car suddenly entered my convoy. The car was going at a speed of 200 km. My driver hit the brakes hard. “My head hit the dashboard.”
Mamta Banerjee said that she is still having headaches. The head is still spinning. I worked despite this. I am also feeling a little cold. I am going home now. Describing the situation, the Chief Minister further said, “The window of my car was open. If the mirror had been closed I would have died. The glass would have broken and fallen on me and I would have gotten injured even more. I am not going to the hospital at the moment.
He said that the police would investigate the entire matter to find out whose car it was. I will not say anything about whether there was a conspiracy or not. Let the police investigate. Before this, a person wearing a BSF uniform had entered his house.
Mamata Banerjee held an administrative meeting at Godar Maidan in Burdwan. After the meeting, the Chief Minister boarded the car to return to Kolkata. While climbing GT Road from the meeting place, the driver suddenly hit the brakes. In that blow, the Chief Minister got hurt on his forehead.
However, Mamata left directly for Kolkata without stopping the car. According to an eyewitness, after being injured, the Chief Minister had tied a handkerchief on his forehead. Let us tell you that before this, CM Mamata Banerjee had gone on a tour of North Bengal. At that time his helicopter had to make an emergency landing due to strong winds. Mamata Banerjee’s leg was injured in this. Later he had surgery, but after the surgery he became septic and the CM had to work from home for months for treatment.
Similarly, Mamata Banerjee got injured in her leg while campaigning in Nandigram during the Assembly elections 2021. He did his entire election campaign sitting in a wheelchair. However, the BJP has also been accusing Mamata Banerjee of politics regarding the injury in Nandigram.
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