“Wo Ak Girgit Hain”, Tej Pratap Expresses Anger as Nitish Kumar Resigns from CM Post

After Nitish Kumar ended the Grand Alliance government in Bihar, the Lalu family was angry at the JDU President. Tej Pratap Yadav, elder son of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad, has addressed Nitish as Paltis Kumar. He said that Nitish should be honored with Chameleon Ratna. This is the first reaction of Tej Pratap Yadav after Nitish’s resignation. Although he has maintained distance from the media but has vented his anger on social media.

All the members of the Lalu family have been gathered at Rabri’s residence located at 10 Circular, Patna since Sunday morning. He was already sensing the downfall of the Grand Alliance government. After this, Nitish Kumar formally announced his resignation and staked claim to the Governor to form the NDA government. After this Tej Pratap Yadav and Tejashwi Rabri left the residence. During this time he also maintained distance from the media.

Tej Pratap Yadav did not give any reaction in front of the media on Nitish Kumar leaving the Grand Alliance and joining NDA. But he has vented his anger on social media.

In another post, he took a dig at Nitish in the tone of a poem, Tej Pratap wrote-
“When feelings do not awaken in feelings,
There is no meaning to those feelings,
There is no place for such feelings,
Whose feelings are not in the feelings of their people,
Where are your feelings kept, whose thoughts are in your feelings,
There is only the thought of power in your feelings,
What happened to the feelings of our loved ones?
There will be an end for you and there will be an end for your feelings, you will have no place when it comes to your feelings.”

Lalu’s daughter said- the garbage went into the dustbin again

On the other hand, Rohini Acharya, daughter of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav, has also made strong remarks against Nitish Kumar. He posted on social media platform X saying that the garbage had gone into the dustbin again. Rohini also called PM Narendra Modi a leader who spits and licks.