The entire family of SP leader Azam Khan suffered a big shock on Wednesday. Azam Khan, his wife Tanzin, and son Abdullah have been sentenced to seven years each by the court in the two birth certificate cases. Rampur’s MPMLA court has found all three guilty of fraud. All three have been sentenced to seven and three years in prison under sections 467 and 468. Along with this, a fine of Rs 15 thousand has also been imposed. All punishments will run concurrently. Before sentencing, the court had declared all three guilty and detained them. It is being told that preparations are being made to send all three to jail directly from the court.
Azam Khan’s Wife is Also Named on The List
BJP leader Akash Saxena had filed a case against Azam Khan’s son and former Swar MLA Abdullah Azam. It was alleged that Abdullah Azam had two birth certificates, which were used as per convenience. Abdullah’s father Azam Khan and mother Tajin Fatima were also made accused in this case. The arguments between the prosecution and the plaintiff in the case had already been completed. Earlier the matter was in the trial court.
What is Next
Abdullah’s side had filed a revision in the district judge’s court on October 16. The District Judge had transferred it to the MP-MLA Sessions Court. After hearing both sides, MP-MLA Sessions Court Vinod Kumar Burnwal rejected Abdullah’s revision.
Sandeep Saxena, advocate of city MLA Akash Saxena, said that Abdullah’s transfer application was rejected in the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
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