Harsha Richhariya, who came to the Mahakumbh fair, has been popular on social media for the last two days. A video of him riding on a chariot with saints and sages went viral on social media. After which there was discussion everywhere that who is this beautiful woman who became a Sadhvi? People searched her social media account and started trolling her by sharing her old photos and videos on social media. Many people called her a hypocrite and many people raised various questions on her faith.
Now, to give a befitting reply to all those trollers, Harsha Richhariya came in front of the media today and made it clear that she is not a Sadhvi. He has not yet performed any religious rites for Sadhvi nor has she taken any initiation yet. Therefore she should not be given the title of Sadhvi. She has only taken Guru Diksha and Mantra Diksha which she is following now. She further said that she has dedicated herself to Sanatan Dharma. There is a lot of difference between being a Sadhvi and dedicating yourself to Sanatan Dharma. She further told that she still spends time with her family members and her friends.
In response to this question, she told the media that she wants to move forward by joining Sanatan religion and culture. She also wants to attract the youth towards Sanatan. Wants to work together with him for Sanatan. Further, when Harsha was asked, what was the turning point of your glamorous life for Sanatan? To this Harsha replied, “When you achieve a lot in life, you realize that all this does not give peace.”
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