Manu Bhaker has opened India’s medal account in the Paris Olympics. She won the bronze medal in the women’s 10-meter air pistol event with a score of 221.7. In the final, Manu maintained the third position from the beginning and secured the third position. The gold and silver medals of this event were won by two athletes from South Korea. Oh Ye Jin won the gold medal with a score of 243.2 and Kim Yeji won the silver medal with a score of 241.3.
Manu Bhaker was also third in the qualification round. She is the first Indian female athlete to win an Olympic medal for India in shooting. With this, she also ended India’s 12-year drought of medals in shooting. Gagan Narang and Vijay Kumar won medals in shooting at the 2012 London Olympics.
Manu Bhaker is the first Indian woman to win a medal in shooting at the Olympics. She came close to winning the silver medal, as the shooter finished third by 0.1 points. Meanwhile, India’s Arjun Babuta has qualified for the final of the men’s 10m air rifle shooting.
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