15 private schools in Bengaluru received an email with a bomb threat on its premises, on Friday morning. This triggered panic among the staff and parents, police said. Police have evacuated the premises and bomb detection squads launched search efforts.
The school authorities immediately alerted police after getting the e-mail. The mail came from an ID kharijites@beeble.com Police reached the institutions with the bomb disposal squads and anti-sabotage check teams. The students and staff were immediately evacuated from the school premises.
But no suspicious objects have been found yet. At last, the emails appeared to be a hoax, said B Dayananda, the top police officer in the city. But when parents learned about the situation, they rushed to the schools in a panic to ensure their children’s safety. The police have considered it as a serious matter. They registered a case under cyber-terrorism charges to investigate the matter thoroughly.
A similar incident happened last year too. On April 8, 2022, a total of 16 schools in Bengaluru were targeted by hoax bomb threat emails. They received those emails between 11 am and 2.30 pm.
“Last year also, similar hoax emails were sent, and these (new mails) also appear to be a hoax,” said Dayananda, the police commissioner, “We will verify and try and find out who has sent these emails.”
“The email claimed that explosives had been planted on school premises. We received a call from the command center and immediately rushed our teams to schools that were located in different parts of the city. All students and staff have been safely evacuated from the school premises and a thorough search operation is being carried out.” a senior police officer said.
Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said they are verifying the mail ID, “We are seriously verifying it and its source. I have spoken to the Commissioner and officials and have given the necessary instructions and verification on whether it’s true or a hoax and measures to be taken accordingly. We will verify who is behind it and if there is the involvement of any terrorist organization, and take measures accordingly. For now, it cannot be said who is behind it. The message in the email asks people to convert and other things, it will be verified.”
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