Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar attacked BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut. He alleged that Kangana had once said that she eats beef and she is still given a seat from BJP. Kangana Ranaut is the BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate for the Mandi seat in Himachal Pradesh. The Leader of Opposition party of Maharashtra Assembly has claimed that the BJP has given a ticket to Ranaut, who had written on X that she liked and ate beef.
In an old interview of Kangana Ranaut the actress had confessed that she had tried beef for the first time because her mother had asked to stay away from it. She said in that interview, “The day I left my house, my mom said, I want you to make only one promise. She said, ‘We are Hindus, so please don’t eat beef.’ Since then I was eager to try it. I thought there must be something about beef which is why mom said, don’t try it. So I tried it, I liked it and now I am a regular beef eater.” In 2019 the actress was trolled because of this.
Now, Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar on Friday has brought up that topic again. He said that Kangana eats beef and she herself said that, still BJP gave her a ticket. BJP spokesperson Keshav Upadhye has reacted to that and he said, “This reflects Congress’ dirty culture. It cannot fight us on issues. This shows the party’s defeatist mentality.” BJP leader Shaina NC has also protested saying, “If the Congress party is so defunct of any thought process, I think the befitting answer will be on June 4 when the women of India speak up and vote against this anti-woman party called the Congress.”
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