Bollywood’s famous actor Ajay Devgan and Kajol’s beloved daughter Nysa Devgan have also become a victim of oops moments like any other celebrity in the past. A video of Nysa is going viral on social media these days. In the viral video, Nysa is seen handling her clothes while sitting in her car. Now it is obvious that Ajay Devgan’s daughter is one of the popular star kids.
It is a different matter that even though Ajay Devgan’s daughter has not yet made her debut in films, Nysa’s fan following is already tremendous. Often this thing is felt whenever Ajay and Kajol’s daughter is spotted in a public place. Then the fans become desperate to capture the photos and videos of Ajay Devgan’s daughter on their phones. These days also, a video of Nysa Devgan is going viral in a tremendous way on the celebrity page of the social media platform Instagram.
In this viral video, Nyasa can be seen in a pink long-neck dress. In the video, Nyasa’s cleavage is visible in the dress, due to which the black bra that Nyasa is wearing with the dress is also clearly visible. At the same time, Ajay Devgan’s beloved daughter is seen busy using a mobile phone while sitting in the car. But then Nyasa is captured in the camera while adjusting her dress.
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