The year’s biggest wedding celebration is in motion in Jamnagar, Gujrat. India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son Anant Ambani is tying his knot with his childhood friend and the love of his life Radhika Merchant. Anant Ambani, the soon-to-be groom, is the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, an Indian businessman, and Nita Ambani. Mukesh Ambani runs Reliance Industries, while Nita Ambani is known for her work in education and charity. Anant has two elder siblings, Isha and Akash, who are twins. Anant’s soon-to-be bride, Radhika Merchant, is the daughter of Viren and Shaila Merchant. Her father, Viren Merchant, is the CEO of Encore Healthcare.
Before joining their family businesses Both Anand and Radhika had achieved astonishing educational qualifications!
Anant Ambani’s educational achievement and career graph:
Age- 29 years. Born on April 10, 1995.
Schooling- Dhirubhai Ambani International School.
Graduation – graduated from one of the most prestigious IVY League Universities, Brown University in Rhode Island, USA.
Career- Anant M. Ambani is the third generation of Reliance Industries Limited. He is one of the future business leaders of the dynasty. Currently, he is the Head of the energy business at Reliance Industries. He also oversees global operations in renewable and green energy and serves as a director on the boards of Jio Platforms Limited and Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd.
Radhika Merchant’s outstanding educational qualification and career graph:
Age- 29 years, born on December 18, 1994.
Schooling- The Cathedral and John Connon sSchool Ecole Mondiale wWorldSchool. We obtained an international baccalaureate diploma from BD Somani International School
Graduation – Bachelor’s degree in economics and Politics at New York University.
Career- After graduation, Radhika returned to India and started working as an intern with consultant farms like Desai & Diwanji India’s first organization. She later joined the Mumbai-based company Isprava as a junior sales manager. After that, she joined the family business. Now she is a part of the Board of directors of Encore healthcare
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant will tie the knot on July 12, 2024.
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